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Exporting stone fruits from Spain, the Smart commitment.

Exporting stone fruits from Spain, the Smart commitment.

Smart has started the export of stone fruits, our greatest commitment of this year, as estimates indicated that we are, at least, doubling the volume reached in 2016. (See other successful projects here)

According to FEPEX (spanish federation of associations of producers and exporters of fruits, vegetables, flowers and live plants), the stone fruit production for this year will be of an exceptional quality due to the weather conditions reported during wintertime and this spring. In terms of quantity, it is intended to supply the market demands, avoiding the overproduction such as last year.


We started with the first containers of medlar fruit, shipped to Canada, which will be followed by other stone fruits as popular as plums, nectarines, apricots or peaches.

The plum, whose biggest production comes from Extremadura in Spain, will be shipped from Portuguese ports, whilst the ports of Murcia or Andalucia in Spain are benchmarks for apricots and peaches.

As the main countries of destination for stone fruits, we would highlight Canada, Malaysia and China, which imported stone fruit from Spain for the first time in 2016, after the signing of trade agreements between both countries, becoming Spain the first country in the world licensed to export peaches into Chinese markets. (Do you know about the cold treatment for fruits and vegetables? Find out here!)

stone-fruit, fruit-export, fresh-logistics

We would like to invite fruit producers and exporters and anyone else interested in our fruit campaign, to contact us for counseling support with no further commitment, we would be happy to help you with our experience and knowledge in order to improve significantly your business possibilities.

Don’t miss any other useful information such as this, stay tuned with our latest news, projects and rates!

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The Steel Treatment Plant from Madrid, Spain to Veracruz, Mexico

The Steel Treatment Plant from Madrid to Mexico.

The beginning of 2017 has been a good start for the entire SMART team, as we were selected to move a steel treatment plant from Madrid, Spain to Veracruz, Mexico. (See other successful projects here)

For this project, we moved 4 huge pieces on a break bulk service and 25 40’ Open Top containers (20 IG and 5 OOG).

After our planning and pricing team did an in-depth analysis, comparing different modes of transport, it was decided to move the break-bulk cargo through the Port of  Bilbao and the Open Top containers via Port of Valencia. (Meet the team here)

The biggest pieces were 4 “machine beds” or platforms for cutting and folding steel bars. with 17,5 mts length, 2,6 mts width and 2,2 mts height.

In order to move the shipment from Madrid to Bilbao, the project required special transport vehicles, clearances and escorting at all times. Upon arrival in Bilbao, the pieces were carefully packaged and secured on vessel to prevent any damage caused by maritime transport and weather conditions.


The 40′ Open Top required a strong coordination between the operations team and  the shipping lines to keep bookings of equipment and ensure vessels’ space availability. On the first shipment 10 OTIG and 2 OOG containers departed whilst other 10 OTIG and 3 OOG containers departed on the second shipment. (Do you know which are the top ten largest capacity container ships of the world? Find out here!)


The break-bulk shipment arrived at the Port of Veracruz from Bilbao after 22 days without any delays or any type of damage. The shipment was unloaded at the port and delivered to the warehouse in Veracruz, where some photos were taken for the client.

Some days later, the second shipment arrived, which meant that the Smart team delivered this project 7 days earlier than the date indicated by the client on the original application.

This type of projects requires of a strong expertise and excellent customer relationships and freight forwarders such as Smart have the capacity to address this kind of challenges. The Smart Logistics Group is always willing to help their clients grow their business, there is nothing Smart enjoys more than a successful project and a happy customer. (Would you like to request more information? go here)

Don’t miss any other useful information such as this, stay tuned with our latest news, projects and rates!

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The Cold Treatment: ensuring the quality of your products

The Cold Treatment: ensuring the quality of your products.

At Smart Logistics Group we transport fruits and vegetables with high quality and safety requirements and we know that, according to the regulation of some destinations, the Cold Treatment is essential to meet them.

The Cold Treatment is a process by which the fruit fly plague is controlled. Further Cold Treatment goals are to provide a continuous report of the temperature without breaking the cold chain, and enable the exportation of fruit without fumigation.

Some of the destinations for which the Cold Treatment is mandatory are China, United States and Korea. Nevertheless, other destinations can also perform this procedure if the client requests it. (Are you transporting fruits and vegetables? let us help you)

Cold Treatment sensors.

When it comes to filling a container in Cold Treatment, a specialist person is present at place of container loading, where some monitoring sensors are placed and gives the go-ahead for that container.

Smart Logistics has highly experienced staff in the handling and transport of perishable products. Consequently, we work with the best warehouses specialized in loading and unloading fruit and vegetable containers, and we have also a highly qualified and experienced staff in customs operations, that will assess and advise on the best way of getting the required certificates to export some types of fruits and vegetables.

As always, from the Smart team we invite companies to contact us for counseling support with no further commitment, we would be happy to help you with our experience and knowledge in order to improve significantly your logistics procedures.


Don’t miss any other useful information such as this, stay tuned with our latest news, projects and rates!

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Delivering huge 26 ton Cable Reels from Spain to Colombia

Delivering huge 26 ton Cable Reels from Spain to Colombia

For this shipment we had to use a SUPER LOW BOY for the inland transportation from the shippers factory to the port of loading (POL). Thanks to this equipment we were able to avoid manipulation of bridges and by doing this the client saved a lot in the expenses for this operation. We managed to pass the cargo through the bridges with only a few centimeters of space left, which proved that we are prepared to assumed this kind of projects.

The cargo was loaded successfully in the vessel and it was received in perfect conditions at destination.

Many logistics companies told our client this operation was not possible, but we managed to get the job done, at a lower cost than the alternatives presented by other Spanish freight forwarders.

At the end, we ended up with a very happy customer and another successful shipment by the Smart Logistics Group team.

Origin: Spain

Destination: Colombia

EQ: 3 x 40′ Flat Rack (TOTAL 9 REELS)

3 cable reels in each FR – each reel 9 TONS = 27 TONS TOTAL per FR

Dimensions per cable reel = 3.56 x 2.10 x 3.56 m

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TOP TEN: The Largest Capacity Container Ships of the World

TOP TEN: The Largest Capacity Container Ships of the World

Have you ever wondered how the products you use daily have been delivered to you? Very much of the global supply chain is made through maritime transport and that involves some of the largest vessels in the world. From cars, trucks or statues to clothing, seeds, or even the screen you are watching, many everyday products are transported in containers which are loaded on to vessels, crossing oceans and stopping at several maritime ports before they reach its final destination. The following are the largest Container Ships in the World, listed by its capacity of loading based on the “twenty-foot equivalent unit” or TEU in reference to a 20-foot-long intermodal container.

10. MSC Daniela

The number ten of the listing is for the MSC Daniela along with her 8 sisters ordered by Samsung and 4 other cousins from Daewoo. This type of vessel has a capacity of 14000 containers (TEU) with a length of 366 meters can reach a maximum speed of 25.2 knots. MSC Beatrice, MSC Danit, MSC Kalina, MSC Irene or MSC Paloma are some of her sisters and cousins, but MSC Camille has to be the rebel one, as it was involved in a cargo scandal in 2010, in which case was found 1.5 tons of “illegal-imported goods from China to Teesport”. Then in the same year, collided with the Torn Marina, a tanker vessel used to transport liquids such as oil in tanks, fortunately the vessel was empty at the time of the collision.


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9. The APL-MOL ships

APL Temasek and MOL Quest occupy the ninth, the ships are part of the same type of vessels built by Hynudai Heavy Industries for the transport companies American President Lines and Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (APL – MOL). These vessels can reach up to 14000 TEU of capacity and are 368 meters long.


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8. Star Class

Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Venus and Neptune, yes, we are talking about vessels. These are the names of the vessels part of the Star Class type built for the China Shipping Container Lines. This type of vessel can carry a maximum of 14074 containers (TEU) to a 25 knots of speed, making it the number eight of the listing.


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7. The E Series

The ranking of container ships wouldn’t be possible without mentioning the largest cargo transport company Maersk. The E series are eight container ships built from 2006 to 2008 by the danish business conglomerate A.P. Moller – Maersk Group. Emma, Estelle, Eleonora, Evelyn, Ebba, Elly, Edith and Eugene are the names of the ships spread all over the world, each with a capacity of 15500 TEU. This type of vessel is one of the longest with an overall length of 397.7 meters.


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6. The Explorer Class

The french fleet of CMA CGM, called the Explorer Class as they named their containerships with explorers names, such as CMA CGM Chritophe Colomb or CMA CGM Alexander von Humbolt. This vessels carry from 16020 containers (TEU) up to 18000 containers (TEU), being CMA CGM Jules Verne the smallest and CMA CGM Georg Forster the largest.


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5. MSC New York

The number 5 of the listing goes again to the Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) with its vessel MSC New York. This vessel can reach up to 18270 TEU of capacity with an overall length of 399 meters is one of the largest in the world.


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4. The Triple E Series

Once again Maersk is one of the leaders in this listing. The Triple E Series fleet are very large container ships with more than 18000 TEU capacity. They named its fleet of vessels with names starting with the letter m. Majestic Maersk or Magieby Maersk are some of the vessels that are part of this fleet. These are the longest of the list with 400 meters long, that is even longer than the Eiffel Tower in Paris.


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3. MV Barzan

The number three of the list is the vessel MV Barzan built for the United Arab Shipping Company (UASC) by Hyundai Heavy Industries. They built a total of six vessels of this type. It is common to see them in ports of China, Singapore, Netherlands or Germany carrying up to 18800 containers (TEU).


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2. CSLC Globe fleet

The second largest capacity container ships are the CSLC Globe fleet. This type of vessels have the incredible capacity of 19100 containers (TEU) and can also reach 22 knots of speed, is not the fastest but its capacity makes it the second largest. The engine of this vessels are as big as a 6-story building and the ship lenght is the equivalent of 8 Olympic pools This vessels require 31 people as crew to operate, that is more than expected in this type of vessels, which usually are operated by a crew of around 10-12 people.


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1. MSC Oscar

Finally the ship that lead this top ten of the largest capacity container ships is the MSC Oscar, also from the Mediterranean Shipping Company, this vessel and its sisters MSC Oliver, MSC Zoe and MSC Maya reach up to 19224 TEU of capacity, that is only 124 containers over its second rival CSLC Globe. Even though is not the longest, it has a length of 395 meters but is fast, it reach a maximum speed of 25 knots. Usually covers the route from Busan, South Korea to Bremerhaven, Germany, stoping at ports such as Shanghai in China, Tanjung Pelepas in Malaysia or Algeciras in Spain.

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