The CCR Platforming Project Cargo
CCR Modules & Recovery +

For this particular project, there were 14 modules and 15 containers. Totaling 2.500 tons and 16.500 M3. Shipped from Tarragona to Coatzacoalcos with one stop at Houston to pick up some additional pieces.

The CCR Platforming process produces high-octane reformate which is used both for gasoline and as a source for BTX aromatics.
In addition to its role in gasoline production, the CCR Platforming process is a reliable, continuous source of high-purity hydrogen. This hydrogen is often critical for the production of other fuel products such as high quality, low sulfur diesel.
The CCR Platforming process offers:
• High yields of desired product, both liquids and hydrogen.
• Broad operational flexibility.
• Highly energy efficient designs.
• Minimal environmental impact.
• Capital efficient designs.
BBC Alabama
Departed from Tarragona with 2 CCR modules. Totaling 4493 CBM’s and 376 tons and enough space for the additional stop at Houston.
BBC Alabama arrived at Houston Terminal to load 3 more pieces of break bulk cargo and 3 containers. A total of 387 CBM’s and 95 tons.
BBC Everest
Departed from Tarragona with 4 CCR and 6 Rec + modules and 12 containers. A total of 11333 CBM’s and 1036 tons.
Unloading operations at Coatzacoalcos started with BBC Everest and it took 3 and a half days to unload this vessel and then 2 days to unload BBC Alabama.
Despite some complications with the cranes and limited space at Agronitrogenados unloading port, we were able to coordinate the equipment available to finish operations as programmed.