We visited the garlic fields of Las Pedroñeras in Cuenca, Spain.
Last may, and about to begin the annual garlic campaign, the Smart team visited Las Pedroñeras, a small town known as the World Capital of Garlic. (Let’s meet the team)
The history of Las Pedroñeras stands out on the crop and farming of the “Ajo Morado” or purple garlic. As the leading garlic peninsula exporter and world’s largest producer and trader, the majority of its population live from this vegetable. (Check here our stone-fruit campaign)

Before entering the town, we could smell its unique aroma and see the impressive garlic fields which you can’t see where they end. We visited several companies that, besides receiving us very well, gave us the chance to try the coveted black garlic and showed us closely the endless garlic fields.
Along with a client and very good friend, we had the opportunity to see different varieties of garlic and its different stages of growing. On one side, we found the “Spring Blanco” and the “Spring Violeta” types of garlic, that were ready to be collected. On the other side, we found the most well-known and emblematic type, the “Ajo Morado de Las Pedroñeras” or purple garlic from Las Pedroñeras. It was on its stage of ripeness and its harvest won’t be ready until the end of june.

This great visit, in which we could see and touch this excellent product that is cultivated with so much care, has allowed us to appreciate the enormous commitment that this requires and therefore we feel committed to keep providing the best solutions to our clients. (Take a look to this successful projects)
As experts in perishable products logistics, we are aware that, in the garlic sector and other fresh products, our job is essential of the supply chain and that’s why we are proud of being able to say that every year, more companies from this sector choose us as their reliable provider to move their produce anywhere in the world.
From Smart Logistics, we would like to thank our clients and exporters of fresh garlic, the trust they place in us year after year. We will continue to work for our logistics services to meet the requirements of high quality of the products we transport. We can ensure that every garlic shipment we transport, arrives to its destination to be recognized as the best garlic of the world. (For further information about fresh logistics contact us now)