Exporting stone fruits from Spain, the Smart commitment.
Smart has started the export of stone fruits, our greatest commitment of this year, as estimates indicated that we are, at least, doubling the volume reached in 2016. (See other successful projects here)
According to FEPEX (spanish federation of associations of producers and exporters of fruits, vegetables, flowers and live plants), the stone fruit production for this year will be of an exceptional quality due to the weather conditions reported during wintertime and this spring. In terms of quantity, it is intended to supply the market demands, avoiding the overproduction such as last year.

We started with the first containers of medlar fruit, shipped to Canada, which will be followed by other stone fruits as popular as plums, nectarines, apricots or peaches.
The plum, whose biggest production comes from Extremadura in Spain, will be shipped from Portuguese ports, whilst the ports of Murcia or Andalucia in Spain are benchmarks for apricots and peaches.
As the main countries of destination for stone fruits, we would highlight Canada, Malaysia and China, which imported stone fruit from Spain for the first time in 2016, after the signing of trade agreements between both countries, becoming Spain the first country in the world licensed to export peaches into Chinese markets. (Do you know about the cold treatment for fruits and vegetables? Find out here!)

We would like to invite fruit producers and exporters and anyone else interested in our fruit campaign, to contact us for counseling support with no further commitment, we would be happy to help you with our experience and knowledge in order to improve significantly your business possibilities.